Feed-Through In Vessel Composter

This all natural – high efficiency bulk composter is the need of the hour today! Our star performer, this machine will make sure you compost with the least amount of power and maximum impact. State of the art and a slick look, get your building ready to go global!

Feed-Through In Vessel Composter

An all-natural high efficiency bulk composter is the need of the times. Today large housing complexes malls and other business houses have bulk composters. These machines use electricity to evaporate the moisture in food waste. Considering that food waste contains between 70% to 90% water and one kg waste which contains 700 to 900 ml of water. 1000 Kg biomass means then evaporating an average of 800 litres of water every day. This is a huge waste of power. The heat generated ensures the odour generated are intense and the air needs to be filtered for odour. Finally the output is dehydrated food and not compost. To make compost it still needs to be cured for composted in static compost bins for 30 days at least.
At D-ERT we have taken into account the high electrical consumption issue in regular composters and found a suitable solution! We maintain the all-natural and minimum power features of natural static composting. Added forced air to step up the aeration need for fast composting and put in a central shaft with blades angled at 30 degrees to push the material forward and backwards the changing direction of rotation provides the agitation needed to ensure oxygen is always available for fast composting.
This machine has one continuous enclosed chamber that traps all odours within and a suction fan that forces air flow. It also has a bio filter that absorbs all fumes ensuring clean air and odour free composting. 3 partitions within the machine break the process into filling and mixing, fast composting and a cooling slow composting stage – all these cycles together need from 15 to 21 days. Material fed in from the inlet is collected from the outlet as compost and is 100% natural and ready to use after a 30 day curing period. The curing takes place in crates within the same room.


Who needs a Feed-Through In Vessel Composter?

Malls, large to medium housing societies, markets, event venues, restaurants, catering services.

Size Options

This machine can be scalable for composting and works best once the materials are shredded.